ABO_ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5233-9466, Scopus ID: 6602628612, WOS ID: ELB-1090-2022 _______
WOS ID: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/summary/f7255dc6-4dfa-4394-937a-0e86defe2136-a4655444/relevance/1 (49 publications)
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6602628612 (48)
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5233-9466 (45 publications)
Patent: https://wbr.indprop.gov.sk/WebRegistre/Patent/Detail/50074-2020 (1 patent, 2023)
Date of birth: 11.08.1964
Nationality: Slovak
Website (if relevant): https://fns.uniba.sk/pracoviska/chemicka-sekcia/kor/vyskum/
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABO GROUP--------------------------------
2024 Tetrahedron 155 133903 (pdf) Sunil V Gaikwad,* Lucia Kovacikova, Ph.D.; Priyanka V Pawar, MSc; Milind V Gaikwad, Ph.D.; Andrej Bohac, Ph.D.; Bhaskar Dawane Dawane, Ph.D. An Updates: Oxidative Aromatization of THβC to β-Carbolines and Their Application for the β-Carboline Alkaloids Synthesis. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tet.2024.133903
2024 Medicinal Chemistry Research 492-503 (pdf + SuppMat, open access, a graphical abstract of our paper was also published on a Med Chem Res 2024 33(3) cover page) Lucia Kovacikova; Sunil Gaikwad; Kristína Almášiová; Ambroz Almassy; Gabriela Addová; Magdaléna Májeková; Gilles Hanquet; Vladimir Dobričić; Andrej Boháč; Milan Štefek Selectivity of N(2)-substituted oxotriazinoindole aldose reductase inhibitors is determined by the interaction pattern with Pro301-Arg312 loop of aldehyde reductase. DOI: 10.1007/s00044-024-03194-3
link on a cover page is here
2023 Free Radical Research (link) Lucia Kovacikova; Marta S. Prnova; Pavol Bodo; Milan Stefek Cemtirestat dimerization in liposomes and erythrocytes exposed to peroxyl radicals was reverted by thiol-disulfide exchange with GSH, https://doi.org/10.1080/10715762.2023.2298852 (spomenuta len biochemia ako PRIF UK)
2023 Slovenský patent SK 289100 B6 (9.8.2023)
M. Štefek, L. Kováčiková, M. Šoltésová Prnová, G. Addová, A. Boháč
Zlúčenina cemtirestat disulfid, prekurzor inhibítora aldoketoreduktáz, spôsob jeho prípravy, farmaceutický prostriedok s jeho obsahom a jeho použitie: Banská Bystrica: Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva Slovenskej republiky, 2020. 25 s.
https://wbr.indprop.gov.sk/WebRegistre/Patent/Detail/50074-2020?csrt=15254349087782077469# (pdf patentu)
(International Patent Application PCT_SK2021_050015)
11.11.2024 na zaplatenie udržiavacieho poplatku za 5. rok platnosti pre SK patent č. 289100 „Zlúčenina cemtirestat disulfid, prekurzor inhibítora aldoketoreduktáz, spôsob jej prípravy, farmaceutický prostriedok s jej obsahom a jej použitie“. Záznam v registri UPV SR nájdete na https://wbr.indprop.gov.sk/WebRegistre/Patent/Detail/50074-2020
Výška poplatku za 5. rok platnosti v SR je 49,75 EUR (Suma poplatku je znížená o 50% na základe ponuky licencie v registri UPV SR).
---------------------------------------its INDIA application number 202327046869 (12.07.2023), publication of its application in the Indian´s patent journal 202327046869 A (15.12.2023)
žiadosť o vykonanie úplného prieskumu v Indii (podat do 14.12.2024).Náklady: (približne 400 EUR (náklady zahraničného zástupcu) + 250 EUR (SK služba) ) + DPH ...tzn cca. 780,- EUR
its China application number CN 202180082884.8. (8.6.2023) and its publication number CN 116601159 A in the China´s patent journal (15.8.2023), now it is full patent search in China (2.11.2023)
-------chronológia medzinárodného patentovania----------pat. dokumenty sú tu
1/ podanie prihlášky (14.12.2020) v SR PP 50074-2020
2/ zverejnenie prihlášky (30.6.2022, po 2.5 roku) vo Vestníku úradu priem. vlastníctva SR (ÚPV SR č. 12/2022) link
3/ uznanie patentu v SR (15.6.2023 po 2.5 roku) SK289100
4/ udelenie patentu (9.8.2023 po ca 2 r a 8 mes) v SR SK 289100 B6 link
PCT prihláška č. PCT/SK2021/050015) faktura 1051,80 Euro, predtym ? 780 Euro
1/ podanie prihlášky v Čine (08.06.2023) CN 202180082884.8.
2/ zverejnenie prihlášky (15.08.2023) vo vestníku čínskeho Patentového úradu CN 116601159 A do šiestich mesiacov od zverejnenia bolo možné rozšíriť ochranu aj na Hongkong (nespravili sme).
3/ (2.11.2023) podanie žiadosti o úplný prieskum CN 202180082884.8 (20.2.2024 / 1051,8 Euro)
1/ podanie prihlášky v Indií (12.07.2023) pod cislom 202327046869
2/ zverejnenie prihlášky (15.12.2023) vo vestníku indického Patentového úradu č. 50/2023 pod číslom zverejnenia
202327046869 A. (561,12 Euro)
WO 2022/132058 A1 (vyhladane cez SciFinder redirect na Espacenet link)
Indii 1,43 mld a v Chine 1,42 mld a Slovensko 0,0057 mld spolu: 2.91 mld obyvatelov to je 36 % populacie ludstva (z 8.00 milliard celosvetovo)
V Cine je (2021) 141 million diabetikov (ca 10%), 169 million prediabetikov (ca 12%)
V Indii je (2021) 101 milliona diabetikov (ca 7% ich populacie), 136 million prediabetikov (ca 10%)
(uznaný patent v SR 15.6.2023, PP 50074-2020 zverejnené 30.06.2022 vo Vestníku úradu priem. vlastníctva (ÚPV SR) č. 12/2022, link), (International Patent Application PCT_SK2021_050015)
M. Štefek, L. Kováčiková, M. Šoltésová Prnová, G. Addová, A. Boháč; Cemtirestat disulfide, prodrug of aldo-keto reductase inhibitor, preparation, pharmaceutical composition and use thereof. (prihláška bola podaná 14.12.2020 PP 50074-2020)
M. Štefek, L. Kováčiková, M. Šoltésová P rnová, G. Addová, A. Boháč Zlúčenina cemtirestat disulfid, prekurzor inhibítora aldoketoreduktáz, spôsob jeho prípravy, farmaceutický prostriedok s jeho obsahom a jeho použitie: dátum podania prihlášky: 14.12.2020. Banská Bystrica : Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva Slovenskej republiky, 2020. 25 s. Typ: AGJ web zaznam, pdf web zaznamu
2022 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 14295 (pdf, suppl, figure) Zlacká, J.; Murár, M.; Addová, G.; Moravčík, R.; Boháč, A.; Zeman, M.; Synthesis of Glycolysis Inhibitor PFK15 and Its Synergistic Action with an Ap;proved Multikinase Antiangiogenic Drug on Human Endothelial Cell Migration and Proliferation. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms232214295
2022 Chem Papers 76 6783-6788 (pdf) Bodo, P., Kovacikova, L., Bohac, A.,Stefek, M.; Cu(II) mediated oxidation of cemtirestat yields its disulfide under physiological conditions in vitro.
2022 Medzinárodný patent WO 2022/132058 A1 (zverejnené 23.06.2022, link) M. Štefek, L. Kováčiková, M. Šoltésová Prnová, G. Addová, A. Boháč; Cemtirestat disulfide, prodrug of aldo-keto reductase inhibitor, preparation, pharmaceutical composition and use thereof.
2021 Albert Schweitzer pice (PhD MH, Strasbourg 18.11.2021) - a picture
2021 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 4390. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22094390 pdf (36MB) (2020: 5,356-IF, Q1-JCR, Q1-SJR) J. Horváthová, R. Moravčík, M. Matúšková, V. Šišovský, A. Boháč, M. Zeman; Inhibition of Glycolysis Suppresses Cell Proliferation and Tumor Progression In Vivo: Perspectives for Chronotherapy
2021 Molecules 26, 2867 (2020: 4.020-IF, Q2-JCR, Q1-SJR) https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26102867 PDF L. Kovacikova, M. Soltesova-Prnova, M. Majekova, A. Bohac, C. Karasu, M. Stefek Development of Novel Indole;-Based Bifunctional Aldose Reductase Inhibitors/Antioxidants as Promising Drugs for the Treatment of Diabetic Complications 21/11/21/21/5/21 (10.1.2022)
2021 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 29 115885 (2020: 3,518-IF, Q2-JCR, Q2-SJR) PDF, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bmc.2020.115885 M. Hlaváč, L. Kováčiková, M. Šoltésová Prnová, G. Addová, G. Hanquet, M. Štefek, A. Boháč Novel substituted N-benzyl(oxotriazinoindole) inhibitors of aldose reductase exploiting ALR2 unoccupied interactive pocket (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096808962030715X)14/5/14/5/23/24 (10.1.2022)
2020 J Med Chem 63 369−381 (Reg EVP: 13.01.20) (PDF + SuppMat, 2019: 5.566-IF, Q1-JCR, Q1-SJR), M. Hlavac, L. Kovacikova, M. Soltesova Prnova, P. Sramel, G. Addova, M. Majekova, G. Hanquet, A. Bohac, M. Stefek https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b01747 Development of Novel Oxotriazinoindole Inhibitors of Aldose Reductase: Isosteric Sulfur/Oxygen Replacement in the Thioxotriazinoindole Cemtirestat Markedly Improved Inhibition Selectivity 20,10,5,12,12,6,5,20,10
2019 Gen Physiol Biophys 38 157-163 (Reg EVP: MZ-2019) (2018: 1.200-IF, Q4-JCR, Q3-SJR) PDF, J. Horváthová, R. Moravčík, A. Boháč, M. Zeman doi: 10.4149/gpb_2018047 Synergic effects of inhibition of glycolysis and multikinase receptor signalling on proliferation and migration of endothelial cells
2019 Chem Papers 73 71-84 (Reg EVP: 20.2.2019) (2018: 1.132-IF, Q3-JCR, Q2-SJR) PDF, ESM, J. Dobiaš, M. Ondruš, M. Hlaváč, M. Murár, J. Kóňa, G. Addová, A. Boháč (doi: 10.1007/s11696-018-0576-6) Medicinal Chemistry - an effect of a desolvation penalty of an amide group in development of kinase inhibitors(35/5/5/5/5/10/35: 20%CHU)
2019 Chem Papers 73 55-69 (Reg EVP: 20.2.2019) (2018: 1.132-IF, Q3-JCR, Q2-SJR) PDF, ESM, M. Lácová, M. Čakurda, P. Koiš, G. Addová, A. Boháč (doi: 10.1007/s11696-018-0566-8) A novel and efficient synthesis of 3-aryl-5-(2-hydroxybenzoyl)pyridin-2(1H)-ones by re-cyclization of N-(oxopyranochromenyl)acetamides and their antineoplastic screening(10/35/10/10/35, 20%CHU)
2018 Chem Papers 72 2979-2985 (Reg EVP: 3.10.18), (DOI: 10.1007/s11696-018-0548-x), (2017: 0.871-IF, Q3-JCR, Q2-SJR) PDF, ESM, M. Murár, J. Horvathová, R. Moravčík, G. Addová, M. Zeman, A. Boháč, doi: 10.1007/s11696-018-0548-x Synthesis of glycolysis inhibitor (E)-3-(pyridin-3-yl)-1-(pyridin-4-yl)prop-2-en-1-one (3PO) and its inhibition of HUVEC proliferation alone or in a combination with the multi-kinase inhibitor sunitinib(15/15/15/15/15/25, 33%KOCH)
2018 Chem Papers 72 683-690 (2017: 0.871-IF, Q3-JCR, Q2-SJR) PDF, ESM, M. Čakurda, P. Koiš, G. Addová, M. Lácova, A. Boháč doi: 10.1007/s11696-017-0319-0 2H-Pyrano[3,2-c]quinolin-2-ones - their convenient synthesis and selected reactions(30/20/20/10/20, 80%KOCH)
2017 ARKIVOC V, 204–215 (IF 1.048, Q3) PDF, ESM, I. Zemanová, R. Gašparová, A. Boháč, T. Maliar, F. Kraic, G. Addová; (DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820 /ark.5550190.p010.240) Synthesis and antibacterial activity of furo[3,2-b]pyrrole derivatives.
2017 Beilstein J Org Chem 13, 1350–1360 (IF 2.303, Q2) pdf + supp mat or links in BJOCH: PDF + ESM J. Dobiaš, M. Ondruš, G. Addová, A. Boháč; (DOI: 10.3762/bjoc.13.132) Switchable highly regioselective synthesis of 3,4-dihydroquinoxalin-2(1H)ones from o-phenylenediamines and aroylpyruvates
2017 ARKIVOC IV, 184–193 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/ark.5550190.p009.788, (IF 1.048, Q3) PDF, I. Zemanová, R. Gašparová, F. Kraic, D. Kružlicová, T. Maliar, A. Boháč, G. Addová, Synthesis of furo[2',3':4,5]pyrrolo[1,2-d][1,2,4]triazine derivatives and their antibacterial activity.
2017 Eur J Med Chem 126, 754–761 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.11.003) link to the paper in EJMECH + PDF + suppl mat + videa (IF 4.816, Q1) M. Murár, J. Dobiaš, P. Šramel, G. Addová, G. Hanquet, A. Boháč; Novel CLK1 Inhibitors Based on N-aryloxazol-2-amine Skeleton - a Possible Way to Dual VEGFR2 TK / CLK Ligands
2017 RCS MedChemComm 8, 81-87 (DOI: 10.1039/c6md00392c, pdf + supplementary info) (IF 2.342, Q3) Deniz Cansen Kahraman, Gilles Hanquet, Loïc Jeanmart, Steve Lanners, Peter Šramel, Andrej Boháč, Rengul Cetin-Atalay; Quinoides and VEGFR2 TKIs influence the fate of hepatocellular carcinoma and its cancer stem cells.
2016 Farmaceutický Obzor 85(5-6) 99-112 LINK CASOPIS, PDF CLANKU Základná terminológia vo farmaceutickej a medicínskej chémii, M. Remko, A. Boháč
2016 Cell Commun & Signaling 14:19 (DOI: 10.1186/s12964-016-0142-1, pdf) S.G. Kimani, S. Kumar, V. Davra, Y.-J. Chang, C. Kasikara, K. Geng, W.-I Tsou, S. Wang, M. Hoque, A. Boháč, A. Lewis-Antes, M.S. De Lorenzo, S.V. Kotenko, R.B. Birge; Normalization of TAM post-receptor signaling reveals a cell invasive signature for Axl tyrosine kinase.
2016 Gen Physiol Biophys 35 511-514 (DOI: 10.4149/gpb_2015055, pdf) R. Moravčík, K. Stebelová, A. Boháč, M. Zeman, Inhibition of VEGF mediated post receptor signalling pathways by recently developed tyrosine kinase inhibitor in comparison with sunitinib
2015 Eur J Med Chem 103 105-122. DOI:10.1016/j.ejmech.2015.08.012, pdf, suppl mat ) Margaréta Vojtičková, Juraj Dobiaš, Gilles Hanquet, Gabriela Addová, Rengul Cetin-Atalay, Deniz Cansen Yildirim, Andrej Boháč; Ynamide Click chemistry in development of triazole VEGFR2 TK modulators.
2015 J Het Chem 52 425-39, DOI: 10.1002/jhet.2063, pdf, Lucia Lintnerová, Lucia Kováčiková, Gilles Hanquet, Andrej Boháč, Selected Methodologies Convenient for the Synthesis of N,5-Diaryloxazole-2-amine Pharmacophore
2014 Eur J Med Chem 72, 146-159 DOI:10.1016/j.ejmech.2013.11.023, pdf + supplement mat (plachty a spektrá), Lucia Lintnerová, Melissa García-Caballero, Fridrich Gregáň, Milan Melicherčík, Ana R. Quesada, Juraj Dobiaš, Ján Lác, Marta Sališová, Andrej Boháč A development of chimeric VEGFR2 TK inhibitor based on two ligand conformers from PDB: 1Y6A complex - Medicinal chemistry consequences of a TKs analysis (SymAsym, klasifikácia všetkých 34 PDB VEGFR2 TK, objav netradičných DFG-out A-loop opened 1Y6A-like TK konformérov)
2013 Central Eur J Chem 11 502-513 Renata Gašparová, Pavol Koiš, Margita Lácová, Silvia Kováčová, Andrej Boháč Synthesis, reactions and antineoplastic activity of 3-(2-oxo-2H-chromen-3-yl)-2-oxo-2H,5Hpyrano[3,2-c]chromene derivatives
2013 Beilstein J Org Chem 9, 173-179 DOI:10.3762/bjoc.9.20, pdf, M. Murár, G. Addová, A. Boháč; Synthesis of 5-(ethylsulfonyl)-2-methoxyaniline: An important pharmacological fragment of VEGFR2 and other inhibitors.
1994 Helvetica Chimica Acta 77, 2071-2110 Preparation and Structural Analysis of Several New α,α,α′,α′-Tetraaryl-1,3-dioxolane-4,5-dimethanols (TADDOL's) and TADDOL analogs, their evaluation as titanium ligands in the enantioselective addition of methyltitanium and diethylzinc reagents to benzaldehyde, and refinement of the mechanistic hypothesis. Ito, Y.N., Ariza, X., Beck, A.K., Boháč, A., Ganter, C., Gawley, R.E., Kühnle, F.N.M., Tuleja, J., Wang, Y.M., Seebach, D. Helvetica Chimica Acta 1994 77, 2071-2110. pdf, (https://doi.org/10.1002/hlca.19940770802)
PFIZER - 1st Pfizer Research Award 2009 (Pfizer Lectures 12.11.2009, Conference CENTER,
Radisson Blu CARLTON Hotel, BA)
- Nilesh M Gosavi, Geeta A Zalmi, Sunil V Gaikwad, Salman AL Shaikh, Milind V Gaikwad, Latesh K Nikam, Sheshanath V Bhosale, Chemistry Select, 2024, 9, 41, e202404662. Iodine-DMSO Catalyzed β-carboline Derivative Chemoselective Fluorescent Molecule for Detection of Fluoride and Cyanide Anion. https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.202404662 Q3, IF (2022) = 0,4 (SJR)
- Sunil Gaikwad, Lucia Kovacikova, Priyanka Pawar, Milind Gaikwad, Andrej Bohac, Bhaskar Dawane, Tetrahedron, 2024 155, 133903. An updates: Oxidative aromatization of THβC to β-carbolines and their application for the β-carboline alkaloids synthesis. https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0040-4020(24)00083-8 Q2, IF (2023) = 2,1
- Lucia Kovacikova; Sunil Gaikwad; Kristina Almasiova; Ambroz Almassy; Gabriela Addova; Magdalena Majekova; Gilles Hanquet; Vladimir Dobricic; Andrej Bohac; Milan Stefek, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2024 492 - 503. Selectivity of N(2)-substituted oxotriazinoindole aldose reductase inhibitors is determined by the interaction pattern with Pro301-Arg312 loop of aldehyde reductase. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00044-024-03194-3 Q3, IF (2022) = 2.6
- Prashant P. Mogle, Sunil V. Gaikwad, Santosh S. Pohare, Madhav J. Hebade, Milind V. Gaikwad, Bhaskar S. Dawane, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 2024, 68, 140-151. Green synthesis of 2-isonicotinoyl-4,6-dihydroimidazo[4,5-c] pyrazol-5 (2H)-one derivative via one-pot multicomponent approach as a potent anti-fungal agent. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPch.22954 Q3, IF (2022) = 0,3 (SJR)
- Ghodsi Mohammadi Ziarani, Shikofa Khorrami, Fatemeh Mohajer, Sunil V Gaikwad, Najibullah Hassani, Alireza Badiei, Siavash Iravani, Rajender S Varma, Results in Chemistry, 2024, 7, 101362. Tryptophan-based fluorescent sensor for selective Cu2+ detection in aqueous media and its docking study for anticancer effects. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rechem.2024.101362 Q2, IF (2023) = 2.5
- Fatemeh Mohajer, Ghodsi Mohammadi Ziarani, Alireza Badiei, Rajender S. Varma, Sunil V. Gaikwad, Jagpreet Singh Molecular Catalysis, 2023, 545, 113174. Sustainable synthesis of 2-substituted perimidines bearing nitro substitution via nanocatalyst and their chemosensor studies.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcat.2023.113174 Q2, IF (2022) = 4.6
- Zohreh KheilKordi; Ghodsi Mohammadi Ziarani; Fatemeh Mohajer; Alireza Badiei; Sunil Gaikwad, Rafael Luque, Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2023, 37, e6989. The synthesis of Fe3O4@SiO2@Pr‐N (CH2CH2OH)3 and Fe3O4@SiO2@Pr‐N (CH2CH2‐ OBuSO3H)3 as nanomagnetic catalysts and their application in the synthesis of tetrahydroacenaphtho[1,2‐b]indolones and docking studies;
https://doi.org/10.1002/aoc.6989 Q2, IF (2022) = 3.9 - GM Ziarani, ST Ashtiani, F Mohajer, A Badiei, SV Gaikwad, RS Varma, 2,3-Dihydro-Quinazolin-4(1H)-One as a Fluorescent Sensor for Hg2+ Ion and its Docking Studies in Cancer Treatment. Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology 27, 25 - 33, 2022. DOI:10.2478/cdem-2022-0004
Konferencia SUNIL
Gaikwad, S. Synthesis, ADME, and In Silico molecular docking study of Novel N-substituted β-Carboline analogs as a potential inhibitor anticancer agent, in Proceedings of the 28th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 15–30 November 2024, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, doi:10.3390/ecsoc-28-20166
1/ XXVIII EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Rome, Italy, September 1-5, 2024, (poster prezentovaný Dr. Luciou Kováčikovou).
KONFERENCIE 2024 - Lucia Kováčiková
2/ 52nd Conference Synthesis and Analysis of Drugs, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 19.-20.9.2024.
abstrakt je P18 na strane 22. SAL_2024_Book_of_Abstracts_v2.pdf.aspx (cuni.cz)
76. Sjezd českých a slovenských chemických společností, Ostrava, 26. ‒ 29. srpna 2024
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------some older publications and patents
M. Ilić, J. Ilaš, P. Dunkel, P. Mátyus, A. Boháč, S. Liekens, D. Kikelj, Novel 1,4-benzoxazine and 1,4-benzodioxine inhibitors of angiogenesis, 2012 Eur. J. Med. Chem. 58 160-170.
B. Gabajová, D. Valková, A. Boháč, E. Kováčová, R. Moravčík, M. Zeman; hVEGF165 Expression in Escherichia coli Conserves Its Biological Function 2012 J. of Chem. and Chem. Engineering 6 738-743.
M. Remko, A. Boháč, L. Kováčiková; Molecular structure, pKa, lipophilicity, solubility, absorption, polar surface area, and blood brain barrier penetration of some antiangiogenic agents, 2011 Structural Chem. 22 635-648.
S. Kováčová, L. Kováčiková, M. Lácová, A. Boháč, M. Sališová; Microwave assisted one pot synthesis of 7-substituted 2-(2-oxo-2H-chromen-3-yl)acetic acids as precursors of new anti-tumour compounds 2010 Chemical papers 64 806-811.
M. Lácová, R. Gašparová, P. Koiš, A. Boháč, H. M. El-Shaaer; A facile route to phenyl, phenylsulfanyl and phenylselanyl substituted pyrano[3,2-c]chromenes 2010 Tetrahedron 66 1410-1419.
L. Kováčiková, R. Gašparová, A. Boháč, M. Ďurana, M. Lácová; Synthesis of 3-phenyl-2H,5H-pyrano[3,2-c]chromen-2-one derivatives and their antineoplastic activit, 2010 ARKIVOC 11 188-203.
M. Pažický, V. Semak, B. Gášpár, A. Bílešová, M. Sališová, A. Boháč; Efficient synthesis of 2-alkyl-2-hydroxy-6-X-1-tetralones, 2008 ARKIVOC 8 225-241.
V. Semak, A. Boháč, M. Sališová, G. Addová, P. Danko; Preparation of alpha-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone: Mechanism of its formation and utilization in 2-methyl-1-tetralone synthesis, 2008 Chemical papers 62 275-280.
M. Lácová, H. Stankovičová, A. Boháč, B. Kotzianová, Convenient synthesis and unusual reactivity of 2-oxo-2H,5H-pyrano-[3,2-c]chromenes, 2008 Tetrahedron 64 9646-9653.
A. Almássy, Z. Benková, B. Horváth, A. Boháč; Fluxional behavior of methyl-substituted tricarbonyl(tropone)iron complexes and their different reactivity, 2008 J. of Organometal. Chem. 693 3223-3232.
M. Pažický, B. Gášpár, A. Solladié-Cavallo, M. Sališová, A. Boháč, M. Hutta, G. Addová; The epimerization of chiral alpha-amino acids by 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-tetralone template - The synthesis, conditions and mechanism of isomerization, 2006 Synthesis – Stuttgart 12 2013-2018.
V. Langer, D. Gyepesová, P. Mach, E. Scholtzová, B. Gášpár, M. Sališová, A. Boháč; Anti-2-Hydroxy-2-methyl-1-tetralone oxime: X-ray and density functional theory study, 2006 Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications 62 o199-o202, URL: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/full/10.1107/S0108270106005178.
O. Šedý, A. Solladié-Cavallo, M. Sališová, A. Boháč; Organické fosfazénové bázy a ich využitie v organickej chémii 2004 Chemické listy 98 964-969.
L. Soják, G. Addová, R. Kubinec, A. Kraus, A. Boháč; Capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of all 93 acyclic octenes and their identification in fluid catalytic cracked gasoline, 2004 J. of Chromatography A 1025 237-253.
A. Almássy, B. Horváth, A. Boháč, M. Sališová, G. Addová, M. Rosenblum; Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters associated with the fluxional behavior of 2-methyl- and 2,6-dimethyltroponeiron tricarbonylcomplexes 2004 J. of Organometal. Chem. 689 1131-1138.
B. Horváth, A. Boháč, M. Sališová, E. Solčániová, M. Rosenblum; The synthesis of a hydroazulen-2-one skeleton-determination of the diastereoselectivity of [3+2] cycloaddition oftricarbonyl[4,5,6,7-n)-2-methyltropone]iron with E/Z-hapto1-(crotyl)Fp, 2002 J. of Organometal. Chem. 659 43-49.
A. Almássy, M. Pažický, A. Boháč, M. Sališová, G. Addová, M. Rosenblum; Synthesis of 2,6-Dimethyltropone - A New, Convenient Methodology from 2,6-Dimethylcyclohexanone 2002 Synthesis – Stuttgart 12 1695-1700.
G. Addová, L. Soják, R. Kubinec, A. Boháč; The comparison of GC behaviour of acyclic C5-C8 alkenes on squalane and silicone OV-1 stationary phases, 2000 Chemické listy 94 962-963.
R. Kubinec, L. Soják, R. Górová, G. Addová, A. Boháč; The separation of stereoisomers using recycle capillary gas chromatography, 1999 Enantiomer 4 345-350.
A. Boháč, M. Lettrichová, P. Hrnčiar, M. Hutta, Milan; Cyclic beta-diketones - precursors of chiral 1,3-cyclohexadiene iron carbonyl complexes. Ligard exchange - (-)-PPh2(O-HC(Me)-COOEt) - new, chiral, diastereomer-separating ligand in organoiron chemistry, 1996 J. of Organometal. Chem. 507 23-29.
A. Boháč; A transferable gas container (TGC) - improving the balloon inert atmosphere technique, 1995 J. of Chem. Education 72 1995 263-263.
Y. N. Ito, X. Ariza, A. K. Beck, A. Boháč, C. Ganter, R. E. Gawley, F. N. M. Kuhnle, J. Tuleja, Y. M. Wang, D. Seebach; Preparation and structural analysis of several newalpha,alpha,alpha,alpha-tetraaryl-1,3-dioxolane-4,5-dimethanols (TADDOL's) and TADDOL analogs, their evaluation as titanium liganst in the enantioselective addition of methyltitanium and diethylzinc reagents to benzaldehyde, and refinement of the mechanistic hypothesis, 1994 Helvetica Chimica Acta 77 2071-2110.
G. J. Matare, A. Boháč, P. Hrnčiar; Acetylation of beta-Diketone Copper(II) Chelates by Treatment with Ketene 1994 Synthesis – Stuttgart 4 381-382.
A. Boháč, P. Hrnčiar, J. Šraga; Acetylation of 2-acyl-1,3-indandiones with ketene and Determination of the Structure of Products 1992 Chemical papers 46 31-34.
A. Boháč, P. Hrnčiar; 3-Acetoxy-2-cykloalken-1-one by acetylation of cyclic 1,3-diketones with ketene; 1991 Collection of Czechoslovak Chem. Commun. 56 2879-2883.
A. Boháč, P. Hrnčiar; A Convenient Synthesis of 1,3-Diacetoxy-1,3-cycloalkadienes from Cyclic beta-diketones, 1991 Synthesis - Stuttgart. 10 881-882.
A. Boháč, A. Perjéssy, D. Loos, P. Hrnčiar; Elucidation of Acetylation Products of 2-Acyl-1,3-indanediones by Correlation of Infrared Spectral Data, 1991 Monatshefte für Chemie 122 943-948.
- M. Štefek, L. Kováčiková, M. Šoltésová Prnová, G. Addová, A. Boháč; Cemtirestat disulfide, prodrug of aldo-keto reductase inhibitor, preparation, pharmaceutical composition and use thereof. (prvotná prihláška podaná v decembri 2021 PCT/SK2021/050015) 2022 PTC medzinárodná patentová prihláška 50074-2020
- M. Štefek, L. Kováčiková, M. Šoltésová Prnová, G. Addová, A. Boháč, Zlúčenina cemtirestat disulfid, prekurzor inhibítora aldoketoreduktáz, spôsob jeho prípravy, farmaceutický prostriedok s jeho obsahom a jeho použitie: 2020 patentová prihláška PP 50074-2020 dátum podania prihlášky: 14.12.2020. Banská Bystrica: Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva Slovenskej republiky, 2020. 25 s.
Lacova, M.; Bohac, A.; Biologically active compounds with pyrano[3,2-c]chromen-2(5H)-one skeleton and a method of their preparation Slovakia (2011), SK 287542 B6 20110104.
Bohac, A.; Snuparek, V.; Varga, I.; Gattnar, O.; Skoda, A.; Manduch, M. Method of production of trans-tramadol and its salts by epimerization of cis-tramadol Slovakia (2004), SK 284181 B6 20041005.
Veverka, M.; Boháč, A.; Almássy, A.; Addová, G.; Varga, I.; Method of preparation of derivatives of substituted 2-arylalkanoic acids by rearrangement of alpha-haloacetophenones and analogs in the presence of orthoformates and acid catalysts Patent No. WO 2004/046080 A1 – Geneva, World Intellectual Property Organization, 2004.
Veverka, M.; Boháč, A.; Križ, M.; Varga, I.; Method of preparation of terfenadine and its derivatives, Patent No. WO2004/043922 A1. Geneva, World Intellectual Property Organization, 2004. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2009 Pfizer Research Award (1st price in research results for development of kinase inhibitors. This price is given once a year for a special research results by Pfizer pharma company)
Slovakofarma a.s. (principal Investigator 1997-8) Development of synthesis of analgesic Tramadol, The results are continuously utilising in the Hlohovec pharma for Tramadol production. Exploitation: up to 16 tons until 2020 (Zentiva, drug TRALGIT SR, Saneca Pharm.)
1/ World Patent 23.06.2022 WO 2022/132058 A1 M. Štefek, L. Kováčiková, M. Šoltésová Prnová, G. Addová, A. Boháč
2/ A Slovak patent application PP 50074-2020 (14.12.2020). Štefek, Milan; Boháč, Andrej; Kováčiková Lucia; Šoltésová Prnová, Marta; Addová, Gabriela; Boháč Andrej
3/ A Slovak Patent 4. Jan 2011, SK 287542 B6 20110104 Lacova, Margita; Bohac, Andrej
4/ Slovak Patent 5. Oct 2004, SK 284181 B6 20041005 Bohac, Andrej; Snuparek, Vladislav; Varga, Ivan; Gattnar, Ondrej; Skoda, Alojz; Manduch, Milan
5/ World Patent 3. June 2004, WO 2004046080 A1 20040603 Veverka, Miroslav; Bohac, Andrej; Almassy, Ambroz; Addova, Gabriela; Varga, Ivan
6/ World Patent 27. May 2004, WO 2004043922 A1 20040527 Veverka, Miroslav; Bohac, Andrej; Kriz, Miroslav; Varga, Ivan
1/ Plán obnovy a odolnosti SR - Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine, kód výzvy: 09I03-03-V01 / 1120/2022 (2022-2026, 64 812 Euro, hlavný riešiteľ)
2/ In vitro estimation of pharmacokinetic properties and molecular modelling – an integrated approach to the development of more efficient ALR2 inhibitors as potential drugs to treat diabetic complications; APVV-SK-SRB-2021-0047 (2022-23, 4700 Euro, hlavný riešiteľ)
3/ Vývoj multifunkčných inhibítorov aldóza-reduktázy na báze triazínoindolov: Optimalizácia ich biologickej aktivity, selektivity, biodostupnosti a antioxidačných vlastností, VEGA 2/0008/22, zodpovedný riešiteľ RNDr. Lucia Kováčiková, PhD., 2022-2025, 24 650 Euro
VEGA 1/0670/18 (2018-21, principal investigator, research project)
VEGA 1/0634/13 (2013-16, principal investigator, research p.)
VEGA 1/0448/09 (2009-11, principal investigator, research p.)
APVV-SK-FR-2015-0014 (2016-17, principal investigator, bilateral p.)
APVV LPP-0153-06 (2006-10, principal investigator, research + PhD p.)
APVV APVT-20-031904 (2005-07, principal investigator, research project)
COST CA15135 (2016-20, MC member)
COST CM1106 (2012-16, MC member)
COST CM0602 (2007-11, MC member, group leader / sub-coordinator)
Pfizer 2008 and Bayer 2007 research projects (development of angiogenic inhibitors)
Cotutelle projects (3 joined PhD students between Comenius University and Uni of Strasbourg, France)
- BOĎO, Pavol - LEPÁČEK, Marek - KOVÁČIKOVÁ, Lucia - ŠTEFEK, Milan - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ PRNOVÁ, Marta. Antioxidant activity of cemtirestat : L-26. In Interdisciplinary toxicology. Editor-in-Chief: Ladislav Šoltés [2023-]; Executive Editor-in-Chief: Mojmir Mach [2008-]; Field Chief Editors: Lucia Račková, Iveta Bernátová, Michal Dubovický [2018-], Katarína Valachová [2023-] ; editor-in-Chief: Miroslav Pohanka [2017-2022]; Editor-in-Chief: Eduard Ujházy [2008-2010]; Editor-in-Chief: Michal Dubovický [2011-2017]. - Bratislava : Slovak Toxicology Society SETOX : Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology SAS, 2023, vol. 16, suppl. 1, p. 22. (2022: 0.644 - SJR, Q2 - SJR). ISSN 1337-6853. (TOXCON 2023 : Interdisciplinary Toxicology Conference. Vega č. 2/0008/22 : Vývoj multifunkčných inhibítorov aldózareduktázy na báze triazínoindolov: Optimalizácia ich biologickej aktivity, selektivity, biodostupnosti a antioxidačných vlastností. Vega č. 2/0103/22 : Ligandom podmienená modulácia vápnikovej pumpy - štúdium mechanizmu a návrh nových látok. Typ: AFD
- BOĎO, Pavol - KOVÁČIKOVÁ, Lucia - ŠTEFEK, Milan - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ PRNOVÁ, Marta. Cemtirestat Disulfide was Generated After Quenching of DPPH Radical by Cemtirestat Monomer. In XII PhD Miniconference CEM SAS 2023 : book of abstracts. - Bratislava : Centre for Experimental Medicine Slovak Academy of Sciences, p. 9. ISBN 978-80-89991-11-2. (Vega č. 2/0008/22 : Vývoj multifunkčných inhibítorov aldózareduktázy na báze triazínoindolov: Optimalizácia ich biologickej aktivity, selektivity, biodostupnosti a antioxidačných vlastností. XII PhD Miniconference CEM SAS 2023) Typ: AFH
- BOĎO, Pavol - KOVÁČIKOVÁ, Lucia - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ PRNOVÁ, Marta - ŠTEFEK, Milan. Dimerizácia cemtirestatu v lipozómoch vystavených peroxylovým radikálom a jej zvrátenie tiol-disulfidovou výmenou s GSH. In Farmakodny Plzeň, 14. - 16.6.2023, 71. Česko-slovenské farmakologické dny. - Plzeň : Lékařská fakulta v Plzni, 2023, s. 51. Typ: GII